Authorities want to boost the level of life-saving tissue donation.

Most are aware of organ donation, but tissue donation is less familiar.

At the Tissue Bank of Victoria, skin, bone, heart valves, tendons, corneas and other tissue from donors are processed for a broad range of treatments.

But some samples are in drastically short supply. Skin is one of them, and regularly has to be imported from overseas.

Just like with organs, potential donors need to register their intention to donate, and their tissue must be harvested within 24 hours of a registered donor dying.

One donor can help up to 30 people, including saving their lives in some cases.

Head of the tissue bank, Stefan Poniatowski, says the rate of donation is too low.

“If we really wanted to meet the demand for Australia without requiring imports from other countries such as the US, then we would need more donors,” he told reporters.

Graduates from Swinburne University have produced a short film showing how tissue transplants to change lives.

More information on how to donate tissue and organs is accessible here.