Archived News for Health Sector Professionals - February, 2023
Compensation call for group home abuse
One of Australia’s biggest disability service providers has been urged to compensate a woman for sexual assault inside a group home.
Internal bio-printer tested
Engineers have developed a miniature robotic arm that could 3D print bio-material inside a person’s body.
Pollution toll tallied
Experts estimate that vehicle emissions could cause over 11,000 deaths a year.
COVID protection checked
A new study shows how well a prior COVID-19 infection protects the next time around.
FEATURE: One Health to help links
Our feature article series returns this week with a dive into the ‘One Health’ philosophy.
Max ivermectin won't help COVID
A new study shows the maximum safe dose of ivermectin still does not help treat COVID-19.
SA to see health boost
The Federal Government has announced plans to open five urgent healthcare centres in South Australia, with four to be located in metropolitan areas and one in Mount Gambier.
Gender split in brain scans
More connectivity suggests girls' brains really do mature faster than boys' brains.
Health data plan questioned
Concerns have been raised about a new plan to share information between hospitals in Victoria.
Medibank details hack loss
According to recent reports, Medibank is expected to suffer losses of around $26 million for the first half of the year ...
HIV suppression reported
A man who received a stem cell transplant to treat leukaemia and has since shown persistent suppression of HIV-1.
Silicosis issue "clear-cut"
More calls have been made to stop the use of engineered stone in Australia amid a silicosis “epidemic”.
Big health grants open
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) has opened up millions of dollars in grant opportunities.
Long COVID experts heard
Leading experts are contributing to the government’s Long COVID & Repeat Infections Inquiry.
Kids' compassion tested
New research suggests young kids are kind and compassionate until it comes at a personal cost.
Superbugs linked to pollution
Experts say that in order to reduce the threat of superbugs, the world must cut down on pollution.