Between the period of 1999 and 2007, nearly twice the number of boys were hospitalised as a result of an injury than girls, according to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).


The Trends in hospitalised childhood injury in Australia: 1999-2007 shows that almost half a million children aged 0-14 were hospitalized as a result of injury during this period, with an average 60,000 children hospitalised each year.


According to the report, 295,100 boys were hospitalised, in the same period, almost 176,300 girls were hospitalised, a ratio of 1,7 to 1. In the 10-14 age group, however, the ratio was 2.3 to 1.


“These ratios were similar across all causes of injury except one,” said AIHW spokesperson Professor James Harrison.


Girls were more likely to be hospitalised due to intentional self-harm, with about 3,500 girls hospitalised for this reason between 1999 and 2007, compared with 840 boys.


Overall, falls were the main cause of hospitalised injury among children, with just over 193,100 cases in 1999-2007, followed by transport-related injury with almost 66,900 cases.


The most frequent causes of hospitalised falls in children aged 9 years and under involved playground equipment. Older children were more likely to be injured roller-skating and skateboarding.


Bicycles were the most common form of transport involved in a transport injury. In 5-9 year olds and 10-14 year olds, transport incidents accounted for 14% and 23% of all hospitalised injuries respectively.

The full report can be found here