South Australian doctors are set to benefit from the state’s first doctors only clinic which is set to open in the coming week.


Staffed by up to 15 doctors, the clinic, in the south of Adelaide’s CBD, will only treat their GP colleagues.


"There are doctors who are quite happy seeing other doctors, and other doctors who may be a little bit uncomfortable about it," Dr Roger Sexton, one of GPs who will staff the clinic, told the ABC.


"Those doctors who don't have their own doctor clearly need something more than just their own treatment."


Dr Sexton said the clinic was established to reverse the alarming trend of South Australian GP’s generally not having their own doctor.


"Things like being embarrassed, for example, knowing when the right time is to go see the doctor," Dr Sexton said.

"There's also issues about doctors who work very hard and who may not have the time in the daytime to go to a doctor, so there's a number of things that have stopped doctors having their own doctor."