High-intensity interval training (HIT) could be the solution to a number of significant health problems, according to the latest research by the University of Queensland (UQ).

Researchers from UQ are working to identify the best way to simultaneously combat problems of weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, and think that HIT may be a significant boost to fighting associated problems.

Professor Jeff Coombes at UQ's School of Human Movement Studies said exercise was a proven way to manage health problems, and high-intensity interval training had emerged as a very promising option to provide extra health benefits. 

High-intensity interval training involves alternating short periods of intense exercise with less intense exercise in the same session. 

Dr Coombes said this style of exercise could provide better health benefits than doing sessions of continuous moderate-intensity exercise. 

“Scientists have been working to develop a type of exercise that requires a few sessions each week, yet still provides large health benefits,” he said. 
“We need to understand people's responses to this type of exercise and if the training schedule can be maintained over time.”