Monkeypox could be spreading in Australia. 

Experts say two people appear to have caught the tropical disease through local transmission. It makes eleven cases of monkeypox virus to be confirmed in the state.

Just two of the cases are believed to have been acquired in Australia, and would be the first signs of local transmission

“People need to be aware of the symptoms of monkeypox, which can include fever, headache, body aches and a rash or lesions on the genital area,” NSW Health Executive Director of Health Protection Dr Jeremy McAnulty said.

“So far, in the cases, we have seen in NSW, monkeypox is not presenting the way some people expect, such as an extensive rash or lesions all over the body.

“It could just be a couple of what seem to be pimples in the genital area or buttocks, so people need to pay careful attention to any potential symptoms. Most of our cases to date have presented to sexual health clinics, rather than GPs.”

Dr McAnulty says people with symptoms should immediately call ahead to their GP or sexual health service for an appointment, tell them of their symptoms and make sure they wear a mask as a precaution.

“The virus is mainly spread through skin to skin contact with the lesions or rarely through close contact with large respiratory droplets from a person early on in their infection,” Dr McAnulty said.

“It is important that people with symptoms avoid close contact with others, including sexual activity, as condoms are not effective at preventing the transmission of monkeypox.”

Australia’s first monkeypox case was recorded on May 20.

Monkeypox symptoms include fever, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion and a chickenpox-like rash on the hands and face.

No treatment exists, but the symptoms typically clear up after about four weeks. The disease is considered endemic in 11 African nations, where the death rate is between three and six per cent.