Professor Carol Armour has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Woolcock Institute, an independent medical research institute centre for respiratory and sleep disease research which is affiliated with the University of Sydney.


The appointment takes effect upon retirement of Professor Norbert Berend on 30 June 2012 after 12 years as Head of the Institute.


Professor Armour formally joined the Institute as a Research Leader in mid-2011. Her many years spent investigating clinical management of asthma from within the School of Pharmacy at the University of Sydney added significantly to the Institute's strengths in asthma research.


As a former Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) at the University she also has extensive experience in research management and career building for students and young scientists.


The Institute, initially called the Institute for Respiratory Medicine, was founded 30 years ago by Professor Ann Woolcock, an internationally renowned asthma physician and researcher.


The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research has been leading research into respiratory diseases and sleep disorders for 30 years. With a world-class network of specialised researchers, the Woolcock Institute is focused on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and education on respiratory disease and sleep disorders for the community.